Saturday, January 21, 2012

DIY Smoothie Packs

I am not a breakfast person. Hate eggs, cringe at the smell of sausage, and can't stand an egg mcmuffin. I am weird, I know. I would have rather starved than ate breakfast for lunch growing up. So with going to school early and now work, I have to eat something in order to survive the day.

DIY Smoothie Packs is where that comes in. I love smoothies. I have a hard time getting them from McDonalds or Smoothie King because I am picky with flavors. High maintenance I know. I pretty much like strawberry smoothies and thats the extent of in.

Anyways, when I found this and this, I thought it would be a great idea for a quick, cheap breakfast.

This recipe is very versatile and easy to manipulate to your liking. Feel free to mix it up and have fun.

Ingrediants ::
2 bags of frozen strawberries
3 bananas
1 bag of frozen raspberries
1 big thing of vanilla yogurt

-Cut any ingrediants necessary and freeze. This will keep cut up fruit pieces from freezing together. 
-Measure your yogurt into mini muffin pans or regular cupcake pans. I ran out of mini muffin pans so I used regular. Each bag got 3 mini muffin size yogurt pieces or 1 regular sized cupcake pan yogurt cube in it. 
-Mini pan=1 tablespoon of yogurt in each. Regular pan=3 tablespoons of yogurt. Freeze those for a few hours.

Once everything is frozen prepare your bags. Each of mine got a cup and a half of fruit and 3 tablespoons of yogurt. When preparing I will add 4oz of OJ and 1/4 of oatmeal. Since I eat it for breakfast I like to bulk of the smoothie a little. So good.

With the ingrediants listed above I was able to get 11 full size smoothies out of them. I tend to portion it in half and just use half. 

$13.14 for ingrediants / 11 smoothies = $1.19 a smoothie. 
Beats $5 at McDonalds. and they taste so much better.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures look beautiful! See you're putting your Rebel to use! Love the lined fruit! Nice eye!
